Sponsored Awards

Tufts University faculty routinely receive sponsored awards that facilitate their search for solutions to some of the greatest challenges that we face. Each month, we share information about some of these awards to show the extent—and prospective impact—of Tufts research.

May 2024 Selected Awards

  • 2024 Animal Friendly License Plate Spay/Neuter grant

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Emily McCobb


    Massachusetts Animal Coalition, Inc.

  • Addictive Behaviors: A collaborative co-design program to promote health literacy and career awareness in high schools

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Karina Meiri


    National Institutes of Health

  • BG34-200 Triggers Myeloid Recruitment and M1 Reprogramming to Enhance Immunotherapy for Pediatric and AYA Osteosarcoma

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Cheryl London


    U.S. Department of Defense

  • Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Ensuring Farm Sustainability with Undercover Production and Diversified Risk Management Education

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Jennifer Hashley


    U.S. Department of Agriculture

  • Collaborative Research: NeTS: Small: TARGET: Latency-aware Edge Computing for VR/AR in 5G and Beyond Networks

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Mai Vu


    National Science Foundation

  • Decoding Land Transitions across the Urban-Rural Continuums (URC): A Synthesis Study of Patterns, Drivers, and Socio-environmental Impacts in Southeast Asia

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Peilei Fan


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • Diet, microbiome, and genetic therapies to target drusenogenic pathways in an atrophic AMD model

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Sheldon Rowan


    Foundation for Fighting Blindness

  • Evaluation of a polypeptide vaccine against Acinetobacter infection

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Bernard Arulanandam


    NIH - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

  • FH-Fc as a Pre-Exposure Prophylactic for Tickborne Disease

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Yi-Pin Lin


    National Institutes of Health

  • Food Is Medicine Phase II

    Total Anticipated


    Principal Investigator

    Dariush Mozaffarian


    East Bay Community Foundation